"Why I Love Toy Tamer Bags!"
Reason #1 Durability

Toy Tamer Bags and gym curtain dividers... what do they have in common you ask?
Answer: They are made from the same durable material. When developing this new approach to toy storage I always kept my four boys in mind during the design process. By doing so Indestructibility became a prevalent concern. How would I design this product so that it would stand up to a beating and last for years? I knew material was going to be key so I set out making several prototypes. In fact, my original prototypes were actually made out of a thick canvas like material. However, I quickly dismissed this material because it got dirty very quickly and was difficult to clean which did not fit with my mission of making life easier and more organized.
So one day I was in the gym waiting for one of my son's basketball game to begin and there was a little boy, probably six years old throwing a baseball at the gym curtain divider. This boy's mom seemed a little annoyed by his chosen activity but it was keeping him occupied so she let it continue. That's when it struck me as to just how indestructible that material really was. I just knew that it was my answer to making the Toy Tamer Bags be able to take a beating and last for years! Now every time I'm in a gym I always have a special fondness for the massive gym curtain divider and the gift of boy proof toy storage that it provided.
Toy Tamer Bags.... making life for parents easier and more organized!
Visit Kids' Clutter Tamers today to get your must have Toy Tamer Bags.